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Jus Laws and Connsult - support@juslaws.com
 You may also like: Lawyers - Bangkok - Lawyers in Bangkok
Jus Laws Consult - Multi-National International Law Firm Phuket Thailand We provide legal advice on all aspects of Thai family law and have extensive experience in drafting prenuptial agreements, lodging alimony claims, administering estates, and more. Jus Laws & Consult is a leading international law firm offering with offices located conveniently in Phuket and Bangkok. Our areas of practice includes: Real Estate; Local and Multi-National Contracting; Corporate Establishment; Banking; Intellectual Property; Project Development; Arbitration; Litigation; Immigration; International Estate Planning.
Jus Laws and Connsult
Address: 140 One Pacific Place, Suite 901, 9th Floor, Sukhumvit Road
Klongtoey, Bangkok
Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Tel: (66) 022.544.117
Email: support@juslaws.com
Contact: Reception